
Cloudflare #

Aviary supports Clouflare as a DNS provider.

Aviary supports Cloudflare through Cloudflare API Tokens. They are secure and can reduce the surface area of attack and risk. To get started, go to the Getting Started - Create Token page in the Cloudflare API documentation.

When creating and configuring the token, be sure to set the “DNS Write” permission on “Zone” resources. Using the “Edit Zone DNS” API token template will accomplish this.

Configuration #

The Cloudflare DNS Provider is configured with a single API token that is provided through the configuration form:


When the form is submitted, the token will be validated to ensure that it has the necessary permissions to access the configured zone.

Adding Domains #

With a Cloudflare provider configured, you can use it to manage domains through Aviary.

  1. On the “Add Domain” page, select the configured Clouflare provider.

  2. Review and submit the list of domains that are available to add to Aviary. You can add multiple domains at once by selecting them from the list.